集团旗下辽宁大道旅游文化产业有限公司是一家综合性文化企业,公司领域涉及三大板块: 旅游文化板块专注“生态+文化”景观领域,凭借其独一无二的工艺实力和对中国传统文化的深刻解读,成为主题景观建造的业界翘楚。集团以“文化为先导、艺术产业化”为宗旨,集养生、旅游、休闲、度假、餐饮、洗浴、娱乐、建筑声学等诸多生态景观建造和经营于一体,业务不仅涉及景观设计、景观施工,更涵盖餐饮酒店投资管理咨询服务。
Liaoning Dadao Culture and Tourism Industrial Co., Ltd., as a subsidiary of the group, is a comprehensive cultural enterprise involving three major sectors: The tourism and culture sector focus on the landscape field of “ecology + culture” since establishment and has become a leader of the theme landscape construction industry relying on her unparalleled technical strength and deep understanding to Chinese traditional culture. Adhering to the mission of “culture-guided and art industrialization”, the group integrates construction and management of multiple types of landscape such as health preservation, tourism, recreation, resorts, food & beverage, bath and entertainment. The businesses cover not only landscape design and construction, but also restaurant and hotel investment, management and consultation.
Primary business of culture media type include: enterprise and marketing planning, cultural and artistic exchange planning, enterprise management consulting, movie and TV series production, investment, circulation, advertisement planning and distribution, exhibition and display services, cultural and artistic activity planning;
Primary business of cultural industry: undertaking management, development and promotion of cultural industry, operation and development of cultural activities, promotion and popularization of cultural resources and cultural products, book publishing, investment and exchange of calligraphy and painting.